Thursday, 13 November 2014


Welcome to the beginning.

Many of you know me - but for those of you who don’t I hope that over time we shall get to know each other.

I am Mumma Troll, a 36 year old mother of three baby trolls and wife to Daddy Troll.

I am also a typical Piscean with a highly addictive nature and this blog is my musings on probably my main addiction - crafting.

I should state here and now that I am highly envious of those crafters who are driven and determined and do great things with their art, but I am fickle and my perseverance is often fleeting, starting another project long before the finishing line of the current one is in sight.

I sew, sometimes clothes, sometimes quilts and sometimes random and quirky items just for the pure fun of it.  I also make jewellery, play with herbs( nothing illegal, just in case you were pondering how far my addictions actually take me), cook, bake, felt, garden and zentangle and just this week I added knitting to that list after avoiding it for a very long time.

The name Mumma Troll - well this is entirely based on my grumpiness and the fact that I am a mother.

I mostly like solitude and find the thronging masses of this Earth quite disconcerting.  I am always miffed at those Facebook quizzes which ask you where your preferred residence would be as they never seem to include darkest dankest cave miles from human civilisation, obviously this would be my personal choice time over. I usually settle for that little woodland cottage instead, but there should ALWAYS be a dark dank cave option!

So after a brief introduction I shall say toodleoo for now and leave you with a little snippet of my latest crafting, the beginnings of a scarf called Wingspan , which I am knitting up in Yarnfair Stripes Red/Grey/Brown colourway.

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