Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Crafty Goals For 2015

Happy 2015!!!!

Well it’s all back to normal again after the holiday shenanigans, I hope you all enjoyed it and are all ready and set for the coming year.

 I like this time of the year, the days are getting longer bit by bit and there is a definite stirring from the Earth.  Little, by little the life is returning from its wintry slumber and the growth can be observed daily.  There is so much energy bound in those teeny tiny buds, just waiting to spring forth and green up the land.  It’s all quite exciting really.

2015 for me is going to be a time where I try to find my ‘thang’.  I have tried many crafts over the years that I have been crafting, but I would like to perfect some of those skills and concentrate on the ones I feel most akin to.

I like to quilt, to chop up brightly coloured fabric whether old or new and arrange it into beautiful patterns - so that is what I shall try to concentrate my time on this year.  Call it a kind of New years resolution if you will.

I think for me that clothes making is not so much fun.  I like the idea of it more than the actual doing, poor Daddy Troll still hasn’t got his coat, although progress has been made!!

Paper crafting is a big no for me, I tried it and we didn’t quite see eye to eye.  It was more like eye to straight in the bin and I don’t like to waste anything so I don’t go there anymore.

  Knitting is something I really enjoy but I will keep that for personal and immediate family use and for when I can squeeze it in.

Jewellery making is also something I really enjoy, but there are only so many necklaces and bracelets a Troll needs and so I may decide to sell off my collection of beads and jewellery making paraphernalia a bit later in the year.

So for the time being I am going to stick to my bright little quilts and sewn bags and the like.

When I am not there, you may find me gallivanting with the two baby trolls on some home ed expedition or we might be in the garden trying to make it grow before the slugs get it all.

What will you be doing this year?


  1. Lovely quilts and I love the string pieced bag x

    1. Thank you Jan, I keep meaning to make some more, but I daren’t start anymore new projects until I have some of the UFO’s complete ;)
